MLB パイレーツ コレクタブルフォト(16インチx20インチ) Fanatics(ファナティクス) (UNS ART 16x20 PHOTO 44874)

현지 판매가격(엔)
4,914 엔
원화 판매가격(원)
46,870 원

총 금액 : 0원

Showcase your die-hard Pittsburgh Pirates fandom by picking up this 16'' x 20'' Photo Print. Featuring an eye-catching design that was hand-crafted by Artist Maz Adams, it'll be the perfect addition to your Pittsburgh Pirates collection.Rib-knit collarOfficially licensedImportedScreen print graphicsShort sleeveOfficially licensedTagless collarBrand: Majestic100% PolyesterMoisture-wicking material