ドトールコーヒー ※ドリップ オリジナルブレンド100袋 4932707046639

현지 판매가격(엔)
5,126 엔
원화 판매가격(원)
48,660 원

총 금액 : 0원

ドトール伝統の100%直火焙煎で豊かな香りを演出。たっぷり100杯分なのでオフィスにおすすめです!●ドリップ式コーヒー●内容量:7g●1箱入数:100袋 I create a rich fragrance by the 100% open fire roast of the Doutor tradition. As it is for a good 100 cups, it is recommended in the office! ●Capacity in drip coffee-type coffee ●: The number of 7 g of ● 1 treasuring: 100 bagsHow to order in shopping cart