Andrea Amati violin c.1566 バイオリン ポスター

현지 판매가격(엔)
6,380 엔
원화 판매가격(원)
60,860 원

총 금액 : 0원

Andrea Amati violin c.1566 poster violin c.1566 42cm x 62cm メール便(定形外普通郵便)の送料は350円〜です。 One of the decorated instruments made for the French court, this harmoniously designed violin is a striking reminder of Andrea Amati’s achievements. Includes measurements ‘The painting of the figures of Piety and Justice may be tempera, but certain areas such as the crown which originally occupied the centre were raised on a thick gesso to give the gilt an embossed effect, enhanced by inked outlines and detail. The areas at the feet of the two figures which are now dark green would probably once have been silver leaf, representing clouds’ ? John Dilworth in the June 2005 issue of The Strad *裏面に当楽器の詳細なデータ、graduation map,parts等が掲載。